Thursday, April 26, 2007

Noeli's Kalabau "Buffalo" Wings

One of my favourites. Easy to cook and can be part of any meals of the day. Best taken with chilled beer on a lazy weekend.

Here Goes :
½ kg Chicken Wings - clipped the wings
Sour Plum Sauce
Black Pepper
Dark Soy sauce
Chili (if extra punch needed)

Complimentary Sauces:
Tomato Sauce
Light Soy Sauce
Dilute all with water in a bowl (½ cup)

  1. Marinate the wings for 15 minutes with plum sauce, dark soy sauce & black pepper.
  2. Heat up the oil, stir fry the wings with ginger till the wings are cooked on the outer part.
  3. To thicken the gravy, add the complimentary sauces & cook till all the juices are absorbed by the wings.

Some may like it dry & some like it sticky. You call the shots!

A Tip :
How do you know that your wings are fully cooked?
When you see it can no longer fly.
Seriously, JUST EAT IT!

Serves 4

Daulat Tuanku!