Sunday, September 2, 2007

Crabs & Prawns (Shellfish)

Sabah is blest with an abundance of seafood. It's a waste if you're from this region & you don't like eating seafood. With Kota Kinabalu booming with tourism, it's only natural that the cost of eating seafood or eating out for that matter increases.

But one don't have to pay a premium if you buy your own seafood & cook 'em yourself :o)

Recently, I went to Kota Marudu & bought 2 kg of mud crabs (ketam bakau) & 2 kg of fresh prawns (udang kapas). You can buy them from the stalls along Marudu, Pitas highway. It was a real bargain! RM6 per kg for the crabs & RM18 per kg for the big prawns. Fresh & much cheaper compared to the ones around Kota Kinabalu. What a seafood galore I'd in the kitchen!

Mud Crabs
Best way to do this is to steam 'em
but clean thoroughly first.
The easiest way to kill crabs
without a hassle
is to soak them in ice water.
5 minutes would do the trick.

Another tip:

Never buy any crab that was
caught on a full moon!

Steamed Prawns with Soy Sauce & Ginger
As soon as I reached home,
I did a 20 minute steaming session
with the crabs and prawns in
a single steamer at the same time.
Yummy! All for the cost of RM30.