Sunday, September 2, 2007

Merdeka Month - August

Finally, I managed to get something uploaded & it has been awhile. Well, you can say that August is a blog free month since I haven't added anything which doesn't mean I haven't been cooking. Perhaps too much cooking that I couldn't be bothered to add anyhing new & cooking the same recipe every other week due to popular domestic demand:

  1. Curry Chicken with lady's finger
  2. Curry Chicken with brinjal/eggplant/aubergine
  3. Curry Chicken with long beans
Did plenty of pasta, kampua (Sibu), veggies, the usual stuff and it's getting very dry for my own liking.

But I've to say that "practice makes perfect". I learnt how to mix my own curry powder for my curry meals. Coriander (ketumbar), curry powder, chili powder, fennel (jintan manis), cumin (jintan putih) as part of my curry mixtures.

Another aspect of cooking that really caught my attention is the world of spices . I even bought a few packet of seeds (herbs/spices) to plant but that's as far as it gets. Guess I'll stick to cooking for now.

My reference for spices is by an Austrian guy, Gernot Katzer. He did an extensive researh on spices.

For the month of September, they should be lots of cooking.