Friday, September 21, 2007

Sweet & Sour Fish

Well, the picture don't do justice to this dish. I might need to buy a DSLR Camera - Nikon D40x or something equivalent or perhaps it's the photographer's fault. Glad I'm just the cook. The fish I used is "Bawal Hitam" or Dark Pomfret. Bought at surprise! surprise! Giant City Mall for RM12. A bit pricey but fresh & convenient.

Dark Pomfret 800g - Plate size

Tomato Sauce
- 1 Teaspoon
- 2 Chinese Spoon
Brown Sugar

Make 3 cuts on each side of the fish & add salt all over. Deep fry in a hot wok till it looks crisp.

Don't worry about the hot oil in the wok. The oil won't kill you :o) I get a little burn here & there. We'll get used to it after a while. Hold the tail of the fish & slowly dip it into the hot wok. Turn the fish 2 to 3 times to make sure it is thoroughly cooked. Put aside on a paper towel to absorb oil.

To make the sauce, add a little oil & saute the veggies, then add all the sauces. Pour a little water & allow sauce to thicken. Later, pour sauce on the fish & serve.

Well, enough of sweet & sour dishes for now :o)