Sunday, September 2, 2007

Prawn with Spring Onions & Cucumber Sticks

I've seen this served in restaurants
& I thought I'd give it a try.

Prawn ½ kg
Spring Onions Chopped in 2" Section
Cucumber Chopped in 2" Section
Chopped Spring Onions into Pieces

Cut a section in the middle of prawn (shell off & cleaned), then insert the spring onion & cucumber in the mid-section & repeat for all the prawns. Yes, it takes a bit of time but should be quicker once you get the hang of it. Soak stuffed prawns inside hot boiling prawn stock*.

*Add all prawn heads in a pot
plus old ginger, pepper & salt, then bring to boil.
It makes very rich prawn stock.
So next time don't throw the
very useful prawn heads!

A quick 10 minutes dip before taking all the prawns out & put aside. Heat up wok & add chopped spring onions, garlic plus some prawn stock. As the sauce thickens, add the prawns back into the wok & stir fry for another 5 minutes.
Serve 4

Ultimately, I served my Prawn Dinner with
  1. Sweet & Sour Prawn
  2. Prawn with Spring Onions & Cucumber Sticks
  3. Prawn Head Soup
  4. Cucumber Pickles