Monday, May 28, 2007

Claypot Chicken

This is a lazy way of cooking or mother-of-all-shortcuts for a quick dinner. A classic & will always be close to my heart for "we" had claypot chicken rice when I dated my old time girlfriend during college days. The rest as they say is history.

Chicken Wings/Parts (500g)
Dark/Light Soy Sauce
Sliced Ginger
Dried Mushrooms (diced)
Sesame oil
Chinese Cooking Wine
Chicken Stock (from supermarket shelf)

Fry the uncooked rice on light oil together with ginger inside the claypot & add dark/light soy sauce. Stir till rice has fully absorbed all the sauces, then add chicken, mushrooms, Chinese cooking wine (3 tbsp) & continue stirring till chicken is half cooked. Add 3 cups of chicken stock & cook under low heat. When the rice is almost cooked, add a single egg on top & garnish with spring onions if needed.

Serves 4