Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Corned Beef in Petula with Baby Corn

I really don't know where this one is coming from but I simply enjoy making the fillings for this green veggie called Petula (scientific name: Luffa Acutangula Roxb) with its almost rOunded centre.

From the can:
Corned Beef - get the one from Brazil or Argentina (more beefy)
Baby Corn

Petula (cut into rings)
Oyster Sauce/Soy Sauce

Fry the corned beef with garlic & onions.
Add some pepper and put aside.
Stir fry the veggies plus the baby corn, then add oyster/soy sauce.
Make it simple.

When it's done, fill up the beef into the centre & serve.
Very Corny but hey, you might just see this in a menu
of an uptown restaurant one day.

Serves 5